Cassowary Coast Business Women's Network
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November 23 Event (002)
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Business Networking
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November 23 Event (002)
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Welcome to the Cassowary Coast Business Women’s Network

The Cassowary Coast Business Women’s Network Inc (CCBWN) was formed in 2010 as a merger of the Tropic Coast Business Womens Network and the Innisfail Business Womens Network which were both formed in 2004.  The CCBWN has continued to grow and develop to the dynamic and diverse group of business women that we are today.


Our Vision:

Connect, empower and celebrate women involved in business across the Cassowary Coast

Our Objectives are:

  • Facilitate networking
  • Encourage personal and professional development
  • Support businesses and initiatives
  • Provide a regional representative voice
  • Enrich the lives of women through social connection

Businesses are represented across the whole Cassowary Coast region – Innisfail, Tully, Mission Beach, El Arish, Kurrimine Beach, Silkwood and Cardwell – creating a committed and professional Network of businesses.

The CCBWN welcomes and encourages women in business, in the Cassowary Coast to get involved by either attending our events and meetings as a guest or, to join as a CCBWN member. 

You don’t have to run your own business to join the Network or attend our events – If you just want to mix with a great bunch of professional women who meet on a monthly basis at a different venue, where you can learn, make friends, enjoy a meal over a glass of wine and be inspired – you are welcome. 

Why Become a member of the CCBWN?

  • Discounted prices for CCBWN Events
  • New business opportunities through networking
  • Meet new people – develop and grow your contact base
  • Raise your profile and highlight your business
  • Share information, knowledge and experience with other like-minded business people
  • Development opportunities
  • An opportunity to be on the Executive Committee
  • Complimentary Website Listing of your business details
  • Opportunity to be a guest speaker at CCBWN events
  • Be supported and be inspired by other business women
  • Receive a monthly newsletters full of local information / network events / workshop invitations including events with the Cairns Business Women’s Network

Become a Member

Subscribe to our Mailing List

Testimonial 1
“Being a part of an experienced network of business women can provide access to a knowledgeable and valuable support structure for my business.”
Testimonial Cassowary Coast Business Women's network
“CCBWN membership provides a unique networking opportunity with the benefit of learnings that can be implemented in my business"
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